Real Deal Meditation: Getting Back to the Reason Why

Getting Back to the Reason Why

When I started walking my path it was to cure my body through changing my thought.  I was new to the world of meditation and the idea that I could create and steer my life in the direction that I wanted.  That idea was foreign to me, however, when I grasped it in my head it became my way of life.

As I moved forward with my creation of my life, to keep my forward movement I had to move my thoughts from sickness and health to creation of a healthy life style. It was not just about eating well, and exercise (which are important to my life) but about how to live healthy in the bigger picture.  I started to ask questions to shape my life such as what are the reasons for my existence?  What can I bring to humanity? What can I do with a focused mind and the power of intention beyond making healthy intestines? What could I create in Bob Stickles’ lifetime by using my beliefs in creation, intention, and thought?

As I moved into healing work, everyone would tell me to protect myself.  They would show me their ritual of clearing themselves and would warn me, and tell me not to be a fool about protecting myself during healing work.  I would smile at them and say, “I am doing god’s work, so I am protected”.  That sentence became my motto for my whole life from doing healing work to meditation to teaching… all of the above.  The sentence “I am doing god’s work” became my thought, my intention, and my energetic connection to god.  I would watch the signs that would be left for me, like people I would meet, opportunities that would be presented to me, challenges that would end up being aha moments.  I thought of it as if god were leaving me my next project and Bob Stickles would be the project manager.  I was thankful to meditation and the connection to god to show me what I could do in this lifetime.

Now to the point of this post.  Over the last couple of years I have seen the opportunities and the projects that god has presented to me. I have worked with them and many are done and a few are close to being completed and I will tell you I noticed one more thought, another aha moment came to me.  I noticed times that I forgot I worked for god.  I sometimes got so caught up in the projects that I forgot these are not Bob Stickles’ accomplishments,  but god’s.  I sometimes got caught up into the worldly distractions of my life and put my connection to god on the back burner.  I do love those aha moments.  Not that I don’t have free will, I do. I choose my connection to god.  




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