Real Deal Meditation: New Year Again

 New Year Again

We have come upon a new year again, how exciting!  I am looking at making some changes.  I just wrote up a new class about working on changing your subconscious mind.  In my mind’s eye I am creating my vision that my book goes to the four corners of the world and helps a lot of people.  I am seeing, in my visualization, that I am creating part of people’s healthcare by teaching them to use their own minds to heal their bodies.

I am seeing that large corporations are giving back to the world’s people.  I see governments working for their people; providing all with food, safe and healthy living conditions, education and religious freedom. I am also picturing the world’s people giving religious freedom to each other.

So what are you changing? What are you visualizing?  What do you want to see?

Real Deal Meditation: Watching Over Two Worlds

Watching Over Two Worlds

In my last post The Chatter Matters I referenced heaven and earth.  These worlds are not outside of your body. They live deep in your mind.  When I look to heaven I am deep in my mind and find my story of what I believe heaven is to me.  When I look to earth I look deep inside of my mind and find the story of what I believe earth is to me.

Heaven and earth are metaphors for my soul and my ego.  These are my two worlds and my observer is my higher self.  We could talk all day about the soul and ego but, everything that could be said about them has been said and nothing has changed about either one.  And, after I have talked about soul and ego it’s only my beliefs, my story, that I have just shared with you.  Anything you read, even this blog, is just another person’s story and opinion.  Is any of it true?  To find the answer to that question I believe you need to ask yourself: What do I believe?

The only way to really govern over the two worlds is to strengthen your connection and embrace your observer.  Some people call this your higher self.  Each world has unbelievable power to bring you in and knock you out of balance. Finding tools and using your observer can help you embrace and balance both worlds and bring them to their highest potential.  This way instead of overwhelming you, each world helps you navigate the universe.