Real Deal Meditation:Being Part of the Energy of the Universe

Being Part of the Energy of the Universe

One of my true loves is moving the energy or the light of the universe.  I connect to this energy to do healing treatments and I teach Reiki to others so they can explore it themselves.   The people that do meditation or some healing work know this energy.  Mothers and fathers know this energy even if they never knew they had it.

Let’s do a small experiment:  Put your palms about 4-6 inches apart and in your mind, create a ball of energy between the palms of your hands.  When you have visualized this ball, close your eyes and start to draw your hands slowly apart and then bring them close together again.  Feel the universal energy expand and contract between the palms of your hands.  Pretty cool, huh? 

If you look back in time, the people who understood this energy were the educated, the clergy, the royalty, and the occult.  Everyone else was too busy finding food and surviving.   These people understood that these “magical” powers equaled power which is why they rarely shared the knowledge of the energy of the universe and it was not understood or taught to the general public.  That is why it had been shrouded in secrecy and full of rich ritual and mysticism until now. 

And now, did you feel your palms? Yes. Can you apply it in your life?  Yes. Can you develop it? Yes. For every question I just asked the answer is a solid yes.  Play with your energy balls and if you have any questions leave a comment after the post.

Real Deal Meditation: The Folding and Unfolding of the Universe

The Folding and Unfolding of the Universe

I have been trained in Craniosacral Therapy. Without getting too detailed about Craniosacral Therapy, I want to tell you there is a rhythmic motion of the body that is not breath but a movement from the head down the spine and out through the whole body.  I am telling you about this because as I was doing a healing treatment today I watched the body of my client fold and then unfold in total perfection with this rhythmic movement.

As I sat there, eyes shut, I felt the energy in the palms of my hands and felt this perfection happen.  I could see it in my third eye and as the work progressed I began to see the whole universe folding and then unfolding, seeing what was once tight become fluid.  The perfection of it all is what stunned me.  I have been talking about the universe in the last few posts and when you can sit and see its true perfection at work, how can you question anything?

Sometimes in my meditation classes I get questions about world affairs and I always say, the universe has a plan. Just wait, from every forest fire springs new growth.  The universe is the master plan. Maybe from what is happening in the world these days will spring new growth.

Real Deal Meditation: Tapping into the Universe

Tapping into the Universe

I offered a recent meditation to my class that I thought was pretty good and I want to share it with you. The visualization that I shared with everyone was about giving themselves permission to be the universe.  I asked them to give themselves permission to let go of what they think is holding them back from being the universe.

I asked them to drop the shoulds, woulds, and coulds.  I asked them to let go of thoughts of what they have done and what they have skills at and what they don’t.  I asked them to let go of how they look; their race, creed, color or size. I told them to leave their beliefs and just be open to the present moment. I told them to let go of their body, except their breath.

I asked them to see a blade of grass in their mind’s eye and gently pinch it between two of their fingers.  I went on suggesting they choose to feel the exchange of energy between themselves and the blade of grass.  I told them to feel the roots and the soil and the surrounding area.  I suggested going deep into the earth, creating their own roots and feeling the center, feeling the center of themselves.

Then gently I asked them to come back to the breath and the roots that we created to the center of the earth.  We sent healing thought and our intention for a better world for all down to the center of the earth.  The energy in the room changed. It became hope, love, and permission.

I am writing all this not because of what we did but because it started out with each and every person giving themselves permission to be wonderful and talented and beautiful and seeing where it leads.  At any moment you too can give yourself permission to be the universe.